What is Wreck Diving and Where ?

One of the main attractions of technical wreck diving is the opportunity to explore the history and mystery of sunken ships and other structures. These underwater time capsules offer a glimpse into the past and a chance to discover artifacts and treasures that have been lost for decades or even centuries. In addition to the […]

What is Technical Diving

Technical diving is a type of diving that goes beyond the limits of recreational diving and requires specialized training and equipment. It involves diving in environments or at depths that are beyond the scope of recreational diving, and often involves the use of specialized gases and diving techniques. Technical diving can include a wide range […]

Decompression Sickness

Decompression sickness, also known as “the bends,” is a potentially life-threatening condition that can occur when a diver ascends too quickly from a deep dive. It is caused by the rapid expansion of gases in the body, which can lead to a variety of symptoms including joint pain, skin rash, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. In […]

What is Bouyancy

Buoyancy is an important aspect of scuba diving, as it determines how easily a diver can move through the water and control their depth. In simple terms, buoyancy is the ability of an object to float or sink in a fluid, such as water. When a diver is neutrally buoyant, they are able to hover […]

What’s the function of a Scuba Dive computer and how to buy one

A scuba dive computer is a vital piece of equipment for any diver, as it helps to monitor and manage dive time and decompression obligations. Dive computers use algorithms and sensors to calculate dive times and decompression stops based on a variety of factors such as depth, dive duration, and breathing rate. Here are some […]