Our Beautiful Sipadan, Sabah

Sipadan Island

Sipadan Island, located in the Celebes Sea off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia, is considered one of the best diving destinations in the world. The island is renowned for its crystal clear waters, diverse marine life, and spectacular coral reefs. Divers of all levels can enjoy the beauty of Sipadan's underwater world and experience the thrill of diving in one of the most biodiverse places on earth.

The underwater world of Sipadan is truly breathtaking. The island's coral reefs are home to an incredible variety of marine life, including over 3,000 species of fish, hundreds of species of coral, and countless other forms of marine life. Divers can expect to see large schools of colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, sharks, and even the occasional manta ray or whale shark. The island's dive sites are also home to a wide variety of hard and soft coral, making for some truly spectacular diving.

For those interested in diving in Sipadan, there are a variety of scuba diving training options available. Many dive centers on the island offer SDI , PADI and SSI certified scuba diving courses, from open water to advanced, and even technical diving courses. These courses will provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to safely and responsibly explore the island's underwater world.
Barracuda Point, Sipadan
When it comes to logistics, Sipadan Island is a bit more challenging to reach compared to other dive destinations in Malaysia. The island itself is uninhabited, and there are no accommodations or restaurants on the island, so divers will need to stay on nearby Mabul or Kapalai islands. From there, divers will be able to take a boat to Sipadan Island for diving. It's important to note that the number of divers allowed on the island is restricted to 250 per day, so it's important to book your trip in advance.

Bumphead parrot fish, drop off point, Sipadan
Sipadan Island is truly a diving paradise. The island's underwater world is simply breathtaking, and the marine life is diverse and abundant.

We at Seapixels offer two option to dive at Sipadan. 
1. Firefly resort which is land base at mainland Semporna, where divers will driven to the jetty daily for 3 dives before heading back to resort. 
2. Borneo Divers which is a resort located in Mabul island, where divers will return to resort after every dives for surface interval. 

Just drop us an email for further inquiries should you wish to fulfill your dream of diving at one of the world top dive sites. 
Terence@seapixels.org or Pagan@seapixels.org
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